Adult Services
Adults enrolled in the programs receive work skills training at the PCDC Resale Store and Work Center. They are taught specific work skills as well as appropriate work behaviors. Each client receives wages for the work performed in accordance with the U.S. Department of Labor regulations and learns to become productive, tax paying citizens.
The adults are also trained in independent living skills, which include the following:
•Personal hygiene, grooming, appropriate health practices, nutrition, and physical fitness
•Housekeeping skills
•Socialization skills
•Money management skills
•Functional literacy
•Use of community resources
•The responsibilities of citizenship
Client Services
The following services are provided by the Polk County Developmental Center, Inc. without charge.
•Diagnosis and Evaluation
•Individual Program Planning
•Developmentally Sequenced Training
•Work Skills Training
•Residential Placement
•Behavior Management
•Food Service
•Job Placement
•Life Skills Training
•Personal Care
Resident Services
Avants Group Living Center, Inc., a nine-bedroom residence with 24-hour supervision, is available to eligible adults. Eligibility is determined by income and other criteria established by the Board of Directors. Residents of Avants are trained in skills for independent living and learn to do for themselves as much as their independent living and learning abilities allow. Many are able to progress to a supervised apartment situation upon completing the Program at Avants Group Living Center.
Supported Employment Program
What is supported employment? Supported employment is an exciting, innovative approach to employment for the disabled, which has numerous benefits for YOU the employer.
Who will I be hiring? The people we have ready to go to work for you cover a wide range of skills and abilities. From the physically handicapped, to the intellectually disabled, we have someone to fit your particular needs.
Why should I hire them? As an employer, we know you are committed to the improvement of your community and the people in it. With supported employment, you can do that and help yourself at the same time. Having the job coach assist your new employee means you don’t lose your valuable time to train them. At the same time, the employee has an opportunity provided by you to become a worthwhile addition to the community and gain a sense of self worth.
“When you hire one of our people, you get a reliable and dependable worker. You benefit from our support and training of the worker and you make it possible for your new employee to be gainfully employed, a self-supporting and independent citizen in the community.””
Supported employment can help you –
1.decrease in turnover employee screened and matched to the needs.
3.a job coach to support and train the new employee.
4.continued support even after the job coach has “faded” from the job. will enhance your business with committed, hardworking, and loyal employees.
6.personal satisfaction for you